
“great desire to take action to help “

Rita has helped me with many aspects of my life that came crashing in on me after the tragic death of my grandchild in 2018.  My childhood in a cult, childhood physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and drug addict husband, enabler, boundaries, PTSD and mental health, anxiety, trauma, grief, and suicide of my niece and sister. Even though being a Christian since 1991 I didn’t want to live this life anymore. I am so thankful for Rita’s vast knowledge and personal experiences. Rita listens to you, she is empathetic and compassionate to your experiences while having the great desire to take action to help you. Rita’s work, style, perspective, and methods are the things that make her unique and trustworthy.  I continue to this day using her for counsel.

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— A. G.

“Allowing God…to bring the healing”

I (have) asked myself “What would Rita tell me to do” More time in God’s word, more prayer, start my day with Jesus and surround myself with Jesus! So…I did just that, and every day since. The more I dig into God’s word, the better I am feeling. Allowing God to be the one to bring the healing. I find myself reading all day lately. I know I’ll have my hard days still but I trust God is going to get me through them. Thank you for truths you taught me a few years back… I know exactly where to go to find the help I am needing. Jesus himself!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— JW

“I respect your guidance “

I have always valued your insight and biblical guidance, in dealing with challenges in my life. Knowing that in difficult times there is a person that will listen and remind me of the promises Jesus gave, gives me the strength to keep moving forward. Rita Bowman, I respect your guidance and thank you for being there when I needed someone. 

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— Barbara




Years of Experience