
Biblically sound counseling which promotes personal growth, healing, and change by guiding and supporting individuals in overcoming obstacles and discovering meaning and purpose in their lives.


Crises and Trauma Response

Complex trauma and disasters and the Integration of Cognitive-Behavioral Theory, the HCAP model, and Scripture to provide successful outcomes


Certified Coaching Specializations

Mental Health Coach
MHC First Responder
Crisis Response & Trauma Care(C-CRTC)
Professional Life Coach (C-PLC)

“compassionate and very competent”

“Rita’s vast personal experience through difficult situations coupled with her extensive counseling education makes her a compassionate and very competent counselor.  I know her to be trustworthy and patient in counseling. She is also accommodating with her schedule. I would highly recommend her services!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Jessica

“Christ centered…with practical application”

“I highly recommend Rita Bowman. Rita has helped me through numerous difficult and sometimes serious situations in my life.  Her direction, counseling and support have always been Christ centered but with practical application.  I can boldly say that my children and I have been positively impacted through Rita’s counsel and prayers through the years!”

★ ★ ★ ★ ★


“experienced restoration”

“It has been my pleasure to work alongside Ms. Rita Bowman in the family law mediation sector.  As a mediator, she had to listen and help facilitate an agreement between many contentious parties.  I witnessed as she listened with compassion and offered wise counsel to each party.  I have also spoken to many couples who have employed her as a marital counselor and have experienced restoration of their marriage.  She is a Godsend!” –

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Anonymous